Is one that was originally recognized as our founders had intended This unity is expressed in the opening words of the Constitution: “We the People…” It is also expressed in the United States’ national motto, “E Pluribus Unum” or “From Many, One,” adopted in 1776. Unfortunately, our judicial branch of NOW, corporate government no longer respect this cornerstone of our democracy, freedom, unity, process, and most important responsibility to Judicial and legislative members OATH of OFFICE and loyalty to the rule of law
This candidate. Who himself has been and still is a victim of political and judicial abuse beginning in 1994, and continuing through May of 2024. Believes that our republican form of government of our founders has been hijacked without our knowledge and/or consent on political and judicial insiders in our legislative and judicial branches of government who have no weapon eyes the court against the general population of this nation to protect unscrupulous acts of corporate America and their agents, wealthy clients and their legal representatives who have weapon eyes, our nations court system against the vast majority of America’s inhabitants being denied equal access and equal justice under the law in our nations court system.
- This candidate. As tried for the last 28 years to have our executive, legislative and judicial branches of government and their agents affirm or deny irrefutable public laws recorded and printed by the government printing office at the direction of the national archivist which challenges the legal and jurisdictional limits of our nation’s corporate legal status, which as of May 29th 2024. No U.S. Federal District/Bankruptcy Court or U.S. Appellate Court, The Court of Federal Claims, U.S. Tax Court, nor has any State District, Chancellery Court, Court of Common Pleas, or the United States Supreme Court will enter the certification of a question of law regarding the statute law which I now furnish to my fellow citizens and constituents. Which they may not be aware of.
- The following laws are published in the United States code annotated and available electronically to anyone who wishes the same electronically over the Internet as proof which cannot be refuted that we may be being deceived by our now corporate for-profit government Corporation, its employees, agents, assigns, subsidiary corporations, acting under Color of LAW
- From Title 8, 22 & 28 U.S.C. December 26th 1933 49 Statute 3097 Treaty Series 881 (Convention on Rights and Duties of States) stated CONGRESS replaced STATUTES with international law, placing all states under international law.
- From U.S.C. Title December 9th 1945 International Organization Immunities Act relinquished every public office of the United States to the United Nations.22 CFR 92.12-92.31 FR Heading “Foreign Relationship” states that an oath is required to take office.
- From Title 8 USC 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, thus you become a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e. every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity).
- From Title 8 USC 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, thus you become a foreign entity, agency, or state. That means every public office is a foreign state, including all political subdivisions. (i.e. every single court and that courts personnel is considered a separate foreign entity).
- From Title 22 USC (Foreign Relations and Intercourse) Chapter 11 identifies all public officials as foreign agents.
- From Title 28 USC 3002 Section 15A states that the United States is a Federal Corporation and not a Government, including the Judiciary Procedural Section.
- From Congressional record 1950 81st Congress Investigated the Lawyers Guild and determined that the B.A.R. Association by definition is founded and run by communists. Thus any elected official that is a member of the B.A.R. will only be loyal to the B.A.R. entity and never have allegiance to the people.
- From 28 us e 1603. “§ 1603. Definitions “For purposes of this chapter— “
(a) A ‘foreign state’, except as used in section 1608 of this title, includes a political subdivision of a foreign state or an agency or instrumentality of a foreign state as defined in subsection
(b). “(b ) An ‘agency or instrumentality of a foreign state’ means any entity— “(1) which is a separate legal person, corporate or otherwise, and “(2) which is an organ of a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, or a majority of whose shares or other ownership interest is owned by a foreign state or political subdivision thereof, and “(3) which is neither a citizen of a State of the United States as defined in section 1332 (c) and (d) of this title, nor created under the laws of any third country.
“(c ) The ‘United States’ includes all territory and waters, continental or insular, subject to the jurisdiction of the United States.
- Candidate in interest of full disclosure would respectfully submits the foregoing questions during now “A through H”. That these questions have also been posed to the Federal election commission legal department which is also failed to respond or give the candidate an authoritative verifiable answer as to whether the candidate will be forced to comply with Title 8 USC 1481 stated once an oath of office is taken citizenship is relinquished, a condition candidate is not willing to comply with as has been stated to the FEC and other judicial departments of government.
- Candidate has asserted throughout all his campaigns for public office as a victim and a concerned citizen that the rule of law and our Constitution/Declaration of rights must prevail, this candidate has made no secret of his distrust for our judicial and legislative branches of what appears not to be private corporate entity trading as the government of the United States. As stated above. Which the candidate has never sworn and allegiance to, and never will. As it appears to be a foreign entity masquerading as our federal government Corporation. The CEO corporate head masquerading as the president and the judicial branch of government’s agents judges and assigns. Now, appear to be foreign agents. As indicated in above paragraph 2. A through H (c).
- This Candidates platform has not wavered from answers provided in candidate questionnaires, it’s posted on the Internet @ https://ballotpedia.org/George_McDermott, https://www.baltimoresun.com/2024/04/11/george-mcdermott/, https://www.loc.gov/item/lcwaN0018336/, and https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/36120/george-mcdermott, https://justfacts.votesmart.org/candidate/political-courage-test/36120/george-mcdermott.
- In summation candidate would ask that all constituents. Check out candidates history and background through the business and personal history when provided on homepage and the candidate has an extensive history of standing up for the rights and liberties of this power citizens and victims of our broken judicial system which is posted in secret justice.com link provided where there are over 1500 videos dedicated to his advocacy for victims of eldercare abuse, white-collar fraud, probate fraud, mortgage fraud and deed, theft. And extortion by court officers agents and assigns violating their oath of office.
6A. Candidate has 30 years of legal experience beginning in 1995 which now encompasses over 120 court cases, 18,000 docket entries and every court identified in paragraph 1 of platform statement as court records attest to having been a victim himself of our out-of-control broken judicial and legislative corporate government agents violating their oath of office, and there judicial bonds video in support of this are posted @ secretjustice.com, https://channel125.com/secretjustice.com/videos/569b.mp4, http://secretjustice.com/archives2.htm, http://secretjustice.com/archives2.htm, http://secretjustice.com/archives2.htm https://channel125.com/secretjustice.com/videos/534.mp4